The Serenity Hospice Difference

Our care is second to none, and it is customized to your needs. Get the care you and your loved ones deserve today!

Veteran Support

Veterans often have unique care needs, and we have built a team that understands and specializes in providing this care. See what we have to offer these national heroes.

Peaceful Passing

The Peaceful Passing Program exists to enhance the final hours of the patient and family’s life. By utilizing the expertise of each member of the hospice team at the patient’s bedside, we are often able to neutralize the fear around these final moments and create a much more supportive

Complimentary Therapies

We believe in providing resources to go beyond the normal scope of the hospice benefit to our patients. This includes our offering of complementary therapies to all patients that provide opportunities to find freedom from pain and discomfort during the end-of-life journey. The include massage therapy, pet therapy, music therapy and much more.

Wish Program

We believe that hospice care is an opportunity for those nearing the end of life to regain control and live life to the fullest. It is our job as end-of-life caregivers to ensure that our patients have every chance to fulfill their dreams, and leave behind the legacy they choose. Every one is unique, and so are their wishes. That is why we do everything we can to facilitate dreams and help create moments that last a lifetime.

Is It Time For Hospice?

What our patients and families say

One of the greatest honors in life, is to care for others! Find out what some of our patients and their loved ones have to say about the care we provide.
Serenity Hospice Family

Serenity Hospice Family

Portland, OR

You guys don't get the credit you deserve. You were absolutely wonderful to myu loved one, you were all amazaing and took such good care of him. I want to thank every one of you. I can't say enough good things about this entire team.

Serenity Hospice Family

Serenity Hospice Family

Salem, OR

We can't find enough words to thank you for the love and care you provided our mother, especially after losing her beloved husband. We love you all. I miss her so much, my life will never be the same. We couldn't have made it through this process without each and every one of you that took part in her care. I will forever be grateful to you all!

Serenity Hospice Family

Serenity Hospice Family

Eugene, OR

Dad's last week was spent under the wonderful care of your hospice. Words are not enough to express our gratitude to each and every member of your team.

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  • Serenity Hospice

The Hospice Journey

Find out Exactly What Hospice Can Do For You

Reality of Time

The reality of time is that it is limited. We experience this truth all throughout life. In elementary school we often realize how limited our time on the playground is. As parents we realize how Read more…

Get in Touch

Serenity Hospice

Find us at the office

Portland, OR - 11481 SW Hall Boulevard, Suite 200, Tigard, OR 97223

Salem, OR - 6444 Fairway Avenue SE, Salem, OR 97306

Eugene, OR - 1020 Greenacres Road, Suite 12, Eugene, OR 97408

Give us a ring

Portland, OR - (503) 639-0600

Salem, OR - (503) 991-5228

Eugene, OR - (458) 205-5166

Contact Us